Paladin has claimed the cactus garden. Now it is the catcus garden.
A couple of interesting buildings from our trip to Goldfield Ghost Town. Fun in a kitschy way, which is one of my favorite ways.
Just hanging out on a lazy Sunday.
Quail sculpture at sunset.
Paladin enjoys the view out the door of the coach.
Took a day trip to the Salton Sea. Bombay Beach could have been simply depressing and sad, and yet it is full of art.
Day trip to Joshua Tree National Park today. Amazing place. I’m in love with the landscape.
The RV park we’re staying at now has several vintage Airstreams you can rent.
We’re currently in Indio, CA and had a fantastic dinner at a local Mexican restaurant last night. Seriously, top 3 Mexican food ever. Also: It feels so decadent dining outside in November.
Hello world! I thought I might start posting here again. Sometimes we see things on our travels that I want to share and this would be a good place to do it. 😃
Paladin decided to play in his tunnel today for the first time in ages.
First bee inspection of the year. I don’t know why I’m smiling—half our hives from the previous year died.
It’s been a few weeks since I was able or felt like making bread. It doesn’t seem like my skills atrophied in the interim.
I wanted to make chocolate-covered strawberries for Valentine’s Day, but the grocery store messed up my order and I didn’t get strawberries at the time. But the idea wouldn’t die, so here we are a month later.
Yay! Spring is springing! It’s hard to tell scale from the photo, but these daffodils are only about 6 inches tall.
Just Paladin and Baby Yoda enjoying a sunbeam on my desk.
Day 31: Defiance - “A day without an act of defiance is a day not worth waking up for.” - Ancient Cat Proverb
Day 30: Privacy - Having a Great Dane (or any pet, really) means there’s no such thing as privacy.
Day 29: Light - @dejus got me this light box to indicate when I’m online for work meetings or gaming sessions.
Day 28: Up - Paladin enjoys being up above us mere humans in his cubby above the fridge.
Day 27: Pompasetting - We call my grandmother “Pompa”, which is a name I made up when I was very small. This is my Pompa and my mom in a pastoral setting while my Grandaddy was off fighting in Korea.
Day 26: Favorite - This was my favorite book growing up. We used to play a game with it. One player names a page, column, and entry number, then has to guess the word from the definition read by the other player. We made our own fun.
Day 25: Code - One of the reasons I originally wanted to learn to knit was to crack the code of a knitting pattern.
Day 24: Baby - This is why I call Paladin “my little kitten baby”. Such a snuggly boy.
Day 23: Banana - Siri’s voice recognition can sometimes be a little bananas. I wanted to remember to take a picture of the shawl I was knitting when the light was better, not have a deeply introspective moment.