Here’s that loaf I made today before it went in the oven. @baker
Every year around the holidays @dejus and I celebrate Hobbitfest, where we watch the Lord of the Rings extended editions back-to-back-to-back. Snacking on bread and spinach dip is part of the tradition. This is the first year I’ve made the bread myself.
Merry Christmas to all! Here’s that Pavlova I started making yesterday. It looks to be the best I’ve ever made. Almost like a Cowells.
Making a Pavlova for Christmas. Thank goodness for stand mixers.
I accidentally bought another bag of rolled oats and already had two so I made chocolate haystacks.
I think these may be my best sourdough loaves yet. Lower hydration and cold-proofing really seemed to help.
I feel like I’m in trouble for something.
The final pic of the triptych I shall call “Acceptance”. Also, I guess my ring light is his now.
And another one of Paladin being annoyed at me. His face just cracks me up.
Paladin was peeking at me from between my monitors. He’s annoyed because I closed the blind.
We had a few too many apples so I made apple crumble today.
It always amazes me how small Rory can make herself when she curls up.
Tried a different sourdough bread recipe today. It’s a bit darker than I’d like, but at least the shape is better than previous versions.
Pippin is not impressed when I’m playing my game instead of giving him skritches.
David @dejus was kind enough to loan me his message board (and hang it) so I could put my Craftvent knitting calendar on display for the season.
Paladin looks like a trophy head hanging on the wall. Weirdest cat ever.
Happy December 1st! Today is the first day of my Craftvent knitting advent calendar. This is the 4th or 5th year I’ve done it and it’s become something I look forward to every year.
Hopefully, the challenge of Microblogvember will reinforce the habit of posting regularly.
With all the weirdness of this year, it’s quite nice to get lost in pedestrian pursuits.
I got one of these masks years ago in New Orleans, and the other is just decorative.
And now for the traditional post-Thanksgiving dilemma of what to do with all the leftovers.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. Happy Thursday to all who don’t.
One benefit of having our Thanksgiving feast on our own is being able to wear sweatpants so I won’t have to adjust my waistband afterwards.
The Thanksgiving baking is done. Coffee Pecan Pie and Hawaiian Buns.
Pro tip: The new iPhone 12 Pro Max is not just a portable game system, text messenger, and web browser. It can also be used to make and receive phone calls! Who knew?